Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Another Fat Tuesday.

Oh yeah. Sunday was my birthday and I got a cold. I did get a badass cake though.

I'll share something that gave me a good laugh yesterday (and gave me nightmares last night).
The Fat Tuesday tradition of the cake with the baby inside. People cut pieces of the cake until someone gets the baby. That creepy wierd baby.

Well, at my previous employment, I suppose I got the baby. (I coulda sworn it was another guy). Nonetheless, my old coworkers decided to mail it to me with some best wishes...

The letter showed up... no baby. There was a hole in the letter and the envelope that looked like a mouse got to it.

The baby chewed its way out of the letter.

Does anyone understand what this means??? There is a rabid plastic king cake baby loose in Oklahoma City. Watch yourselves.

Till next time.

1 comment:

emily said...

ahhhh!! attack of the crazy baby!!!


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