Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Doling out Justice - The KennyRogers Way!

So as I reported last post, I've named my new car KennyRogers. Today before lunch, KennyRogers and I thwarted a robbery!

I had come off the highway and was waiting to take a left hand turn onto the main street towards my office. A homeless man or panhandler was on the left side of the offramp collecting some change. There was one car in front of me who gave the guy change. It was raining. Those are the details.

Right after the guy received some change, he spins his head around real quick, drops his sign, drops his change and takes off running. I see another guy yelling at him and pointing the direction I'm getting ready to turn.

The light turns green, and the car in front of me goes straight. I turn left and see about 200 yards away two teenagers with the homeless guys' backpack and bicycle. The one riding the bike was pretty large. The other kid was running along with him.

KennyRogers and I decide to stop them. I gun it and pull around the two of them and in police style action slam on my brakes while trying to get close to the curb. Big-boy runs the bike right into the curb and ends up rolling across the grass. The other kid I guess was too surprised to think and just dropped the backpack and ran. Both ended up running behind some houses.

I waited there for the homeless guy to catch up to his stuff, he nodded at me and I drove off. I didn't feel like calling the police cause I didn't know if he'd want to mess with them. If anything he could go to a payphone if he wanted to file the complaint.

The teens should be glad I wasn't driving Fluffy still, I might have wanted to bump 'em instead of cutting them off.

Anyways there is my good deed for the month. Hope the karma comes back on my trip to Vegas next week!

Till next time.


Unknown said...

I appreciate Kenny's renegade style of crime-fighting. It sounds like he has good intentions despite being somewhat of a loose cannon. I am glad the good guys won this time.
"I was raised on the dairy...bi$%@!!!" ---Kenny Rogers

OkieMoneyGuy said...

It was funny, as I cut them off my only thought was [I hope I don't hit the damn curb...]

Mrs. Cup said...

That is awesome! It's good to see you are getting an early start on setting a do gooder example for your daughter!

Unknown said...

Sherman...you should be ashamed. Knock the dust off this blog and make a new post!


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